
Suitcases, handbags, school bags, Bagsline is an online shop for stylish women's and men's handbags, suitcases and backpacks at the best prices. Leading brands from Italy. Free and express delivery.

Ema Ltd.

Importing, production and distribution of men's, lady's bags, accessories, cosmetic bags, appointment book - notepads and clerical materials, a manufacturer of ad materials by client's request

Angels - Fashion Store

Bags. Clothes. Hair dryers. Irons. Blenders. Bed sheets. Fashion lingerie. Cosmetics. Jewelry. Colognes. Wallets. Hats. Belts. Cigar cases. Lighters. Computer case. Handbags.

E&V Bags

Wholesale and retail trading Suit-cases, traveling bags, rucksacks, bags, wallets, belts and accessories

Bodrost Ltd.

Specialized in the field of production of ladies handbags and garment bags as well as leather accessories.

Amadeo Style

Fashion lady's and men's bags